23 May 2006


Jucifer said...

eu só me lembro daquela que me contaram à 2 dias

estão duas moscas em cima de um cocó, e uma diz:
- conheço uma anedota muita porca...
- epá!não me contes agora que estou a comer!

Anonymous said...


Jucifer said...


Anonymous said...

yes! shhiiisssshhh!!!...

Anonymous said...

vujpekpayou say shhiiisssshhh, because you don't know any joke!buuuu for you :P

Anonymous said...

this one is hilarious...

A little girl and her mother were in church when the girl started to feel ill.
"Mommy, can we leave now?" asked the girl.

"No." replied Mom.

"I think I'm gonna throw up."

"Well go out the front door, walk around the back of the church and throw up behind a bush."

A few moments later the girl returned to her seat.

"Did you throw up?" asked Mom.


"How could you have gone all the way around the church, throw up and be back here so soon?"

"I didn't even have to go outside. They have a box right by the front door that says 'for the sick'."